Shawna Coppola
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by Shawna Coppola, educator, activist, and author of books for literacy teachers and leaders.
Shawna, a veteran educator, is a Fellow of The Educator Collaborative and consults with schools and districts on liberatory literacy practices that affirm children and young adults while leading educators to critically examine beliefs and structures that can hinder or even harm children’s full development. Shawna is the author of books for educators, including Writing Redefined: Broadening Our Ideas of What it Means to Compose, Renew! Become a Better and More Authentic Writing Teacher, and her newest, Literacy For All: A Framework for Anti-Oppressive Teaching is available for pre-order.
Shawna is a frequent speaker and national literacy conferences; a faculty member at the University of New Hampshire’s Learning Through Teaching program; co-founder of Oyster Rivers Equity & Justice; co-founder of the Oyster River Cooperative School District’s Equity & Antiracism Team as well as member of other social justice focused community-organizing groups.
You can find her at The Educator Collaborative, at and follow her on Twitter @ShawnaCoppola and on instagram at shawna_coppola.
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TheEdCollab Gathering is a free, no registration, streaming educator conference organized by The Educator Collaborative. Schedule, speakers, and content subject to change. Sessions are presented by guest educators and authors whose proposal titles and abstracts have been approved. Session content is presented and exclusively controlled by individual presenters. The Educator Collaborative is not responsible for session content. Sessions are streamed and archived on this website and on The Educator Collaborative’s YouTube page, which remain the only permissible sources for viewing Sessions. Beyond this, Sessions, in whole or in part, may not be rerecorded, remixed, reproduced, or disseminated in any other form without express written permission of both The Educator Collaborative and the respective presenter(s), any such reproduction or dissemination is unlawful and a violation of copyright.
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