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Dr. Cindy Gerwin is passionate about literacy and about building literacy communities full of curious joyful learners. For fourteen years, Cindy has worked to share her passion in her elementary classroom by engaging learners, students and their families, with authentic literacy experiences. Cindy models lifelong learning through literacy by working hard to achieve the following: an ELL endorsement, a Reading Teacher designation, a National Board Certification, serving as Past-President of the Illinois Reading Council (IRC), writing numerous articles including a column in the IRC Journal, and earning a Doctorate of Education in Literacy at Judson University. Cindy has traveled both nationally and internationally to share her passion for literacy learning. Her interests include the affective domain of reading, inclusive multicultural and multimodal literacy, anti-bias and anti-racist education, and social equity and justice. Cindy builds upon current research and theory to provide practical, realistic applications in today’s classrooms.
Dr. Sarah Norsworthy has been a collaborative educator, teaching, providing interventions, coaching and inspiring educational technology integration for over 20 years. Sarah’s expertise is in literacy acquisition and development. She has coached educators and taught students from preschool through 6th grades. Foundational to her work is the belief that actively countering the symptoms of systemic racism through noticing and naming the ways in which white dominant culture functions in the United States allows us to construct and deliver a just, culturally and emotionally responsive education. Students thrive in emotionally safe learning environments – the creation of these spaces necessitates talking honestly and opening about issues that matter to students. Sarah lives in Maine with her husband, 2 children and a harmony of chickens.
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TheEdCollab Gathering is a free, no registration, streaming educator conference organized by The Educator Collaborative. Schedule, speakers, and content subject to change. Sessions are presented by guest educators and authors whose proposal titles and abstracts have been approved. Session content is presented and exclusively controlled by individual presenters. The Educator Collaborative is not responsible for session content. Sessions are streamed and archived on this website and on The Educator Collaborative’s YouTube page, which remain the only permissible sources for viewing Sessions. Beyond this, Sessions, in whole or in part, may not be rerecorded, remixed, reproduced, or disseminated in any other form without express written permission of both The Educator Collaborative and the respective presenter(s), any such reproduction or dissemination is unlawful and a violation of copyright.
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