Tynia Thomassie
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[su_row]Tynia Thomassie is one of the two Tech Integration Specialists in the West Orange Public School school district, focusing on the secondary grade levels, and she is a Certified Google Trainer since 2016. She started her career as a middle school language arts teacher and moved to West Orange High School level for 13 years more years, where she taught Language Arts, Broadcast Journalism and Public Speaking. Prior to that, Tynia worked at HBO and at Prudential as an Audience Research Specialist. She has four published children’s books, Mimi’s Tutu (Scholastic), Feliciana Feydra LeRoux, A Cajun Tall Tale, Feliciana Meets D’Loup Garou (both with Pelican Publishing), and Cajun Through and Through (Little Brown). She has also published two essays in The Literary Journal, both adapted stand-alone chapters from a book she has been working on for… too long! This is her first presentation with The EdCollab Gathering.[/su_row]
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