Closing Remarks: Christopher Lehman, Founding Director, The Educator Collaborative
Closing Keynote:
The Educator Collaborative Panelists
Shawna Coppola, Evin Shinn, Cindy Gerwin, Keri Orange-Jones, Lois Marshall Barker, and Christopher Lehman

☟⬇︎ Watch here on April 2nd ⬇︎☟
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[su_row]The Educator Collaborative provides K-12 literacy professional development to schools across the United States and around the world. We provide expert support in areas like writing workshop, reading workshop, balanced literacy, anti-bias education, multilingual pedagogy, digital literacy, and standards integration. Whether you are seeking yearlong literacy consulting and staff development for your school as it moves toward independent reading practices; on-site summer institutes to engage your colleagues in workshop instruction; a professional development day training on writing instruction; or online professional development resources to deepen your own pedagogy and content—we have the experience, passion, research-based practices, and engaging literacy consultants to support your professional growth. Please feel free to contact us to talk more about how we can support you and your district’s journey. Follow us on Twitter @TheEdCollab [/su_row] [su_row]
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