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Stefani Boutelier, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Education at Aquinas College in Michigan. She is also the Graduate Research Program Director and teaches courses for pre-service and in-service teachers focused on instructional design, literacy, ed tech, and research methods. Her K-12 teaching was in Southern California prior to moving into teacher preparation. Stefani is an ISTE Certified educator and trainer. She is also a Google for Education Certified Trainer, Apple Teacher, Microsoft Innovative Educator, and an Adobe Creative Educator. She is a MACUL Board Member and is a published author in academic and creative genres.

Dr. Sarah J. Donovan, an English language arts educator of 20 years and assistant professor at Oklahoma State University, studies English language arts and teacher education. She is the author of the book Genocide Literature in Middle and Secondary Classrooms Rhetoric, Witnessing, and Social Action in a Time of Standards and Accountabilityand publications on young adult literature, writing, and poetry in journals such as Research in the Teaching of EnglishAction in Teacher Education and The ALAN Review. She hosts a free open access online teacher resource, Ethical ELA, nurtured by an incredible collective of educators.

Jennifer Guyor Jowett is a writer of historical fiction for middle grade readers and the author of Into the Shadows. She lives in the mitten state where she is an educator for 7th and 8th graders, helping them to craft their own stories and fall in love with every kind of reading and writing. Jennifer’s poetry can be found at Ethical ELA’s open write and verse love, and she is the creator of the Dog Eared Book Award. 

Stacey Joy is a National Board Certified teacher in Los Angeles. She has been teaching elementary school for 38 years. She loves writing poetry and teaching banned books and true history to her scholars.

❤Pay the Joy Forward!❤

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TheEdCollab Gathering is a free, no registration, streaming educator conference organized by The Educator Collaborative. Schedule, speakers, and content subject to change. Sessions are presented by guest educators and authors whose proposal titles and abstracts have been approved. Session content is presented and exclusively controlled by individual presenters. The Educator Collaborative is not responsible for session content. Sessions are streamed and archived on this website and on The Educator Collaborative’s YouTube page, which remain the only permissible sources for viewing Sessions. Beyond this, Sessions, in whole or in part, may not be rerecorded, remixed, reproduced, or disseminated in any other form without express written permission of both The Educator Collaborative and the respective presenter(s), any such reproduction or dissemination is unlawful and a violation of copyright.

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