Maggie Beattie Roberts

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[su_row]Maggie Beattie Roberts is a member of The Educator Collaborative network.  Read her full bio here or request her for consulting or a speaking engagement.

Maggie Beattie Roberts is an internationally recognized expert in elementary and secondary literacy, content area literacy, and technology integration.  She is co-author of the popular new book, DIY Literacy: Teaching Tools for Differentiation, Rigor, and Independence (with Kate Roberts), and authored several Heinemann TCRWP Unit of Study books on the teaching of writing. Her latest article, Thinking While Reading: The Beautiful Mess of Helping Adolescents Learn and Celebrate How Their Minds Work (co-authored with Kristen Robbins Warren), is featured in the December 2016 issue of Voices from the Middleand she has also contributed to several popular blogs, such as The Nerdy Book Club and Two Writing Teachers. You can learn more about Maggie’s work, as well as access videos and other resources, at


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