Keri Orange

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Today’s Gathering has pre-recorded sessions (to allow greater flexibility for presenters and tech hosts during the pandemic). 
This means:
  • Keep your eye on the time! You will see the session from the start, not live in progress… don’t miss the next one!
  • Tweet with #TheEdCollabGathering. Presenters looking forward to connecting!

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[su_row]Keri C. Orange is an associate with The Educator Collaborative.

Keri is a fifth-grade social studies and science teacher in New Jersey. She has been an educator for 23 years and received a doctoral degree from Rutgers University in May 2018. The title of her dissertation is Good Teaching is Good Teaching: Teachers’ Understandings of Evaluation & Self-Efficacy, focusing on teachers’ experiences with evaluation and their feelings of efficacy. Keri is a Clinical Faculty member in the Montclair State University Network for Urban Renewal. She believes in addressing the learning needs of the various pupils in her charge. Keri also advocates for equity and accessibility for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status. Her research interests include teacher education, positive school culture and climate and the importance of diversity in education.   You can follow her on Twitter @DrKCOrange. [/su_row]

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