Korby Saunders & Christy Glaser

☟⬇︎ Watch here on Sept 18th⬇︎☟

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Today’s Gathering has pre-recorded sessions (to allow greater flexibility for presenters and tech hosts during the pandemic).
This means:
  • Keep your eye on the time! You will see the session from the start, not live in progress… don’t miss the next one!
  • Tweet with #TheEdCollabGathering. Presenters looking forward to connecting!

[su_divider divider_color=”#ffb121″] [su_row]Korby Saunders is a biracial educator from San Ramon, CA who currently teaches 6th grade core. An educator for twenty years, Korby has worked as an elementary teacher, a middle school teacher, and a literacy coach. Korby is passionate about ensuring teaching practices are responsive to students and that readers see themselves in the books at school. They have facilitated sessions for educators at NCTE, Spring CUE, and are a Human Rights Cadre Trainer for CTA. Korby keeps students in the forefront when making decisions and uses literate to advocate for equity and social justice. Korby is the co-founder of The Inspired Educators. You can find them on Twitter @KorbySaunders & @TheInspiredEd [/su_row] [su_row]Christy Glaser is the principal of Country Club Elementary. She started in education teaching 4th grade for eight years, spent three years as a middle school assistant principal, and has been the principal of Country Club Elementary since 2014. Christy is committed to maintaining a close relationship with students and working to disrupt the status quo. She is passionate about making school a place where students are seen, valued, and empowered to change the world! She is almost finished with her dissertation in Educational Leadership with a research focus on racial identity and institutional racism in education. Christy is the co-founder of The Inspired Educators. You can find her on Twitter @ChristyGlaser1 & @TheInspiredEd  [/su_row]

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