Carolyn Bailey, Joy Barnes-Johnson, Kim Dorman, Dawn Henderson, Liz Lien, & Keisha Smith-Carrington

☟⬇︎ Watch here on Sept. 19th ⬇︎☟

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Today’s Gathering has pre-recorded sessions (to allow greater flexibility for presenters and tech hosts during the pandemic).
This means:
  • Keep your eye on the time! You will see the session from the live in progress.  All sessions will be viewable from our website after today’s event, so come on back and check out other sessions you may have missed.
  • Tweet with #TheEdCollabGathering. Presenters are looking forward to connecting!


[su_row]PPS-PPL Critical Friend Coalition/Collective/Circle

This group of six presenters is many things. It is a critical friend coalition between stakeholders serving the public library and public schools in their community. The mission of the public library is to engage, inspire, educate and unite everyone in our diverse community. The mission of the public schools is to prepare all of our students to lead lives of joy and purpose as knowledgeable, creative and compassionate citizens of a global society. In coalition with each other, a system of accountability to the ideals of freedom dreaming and joy (B. Love, We Want to Do More than Survive, 2019) are the basis for the work that was used to build programs in February 2020, days before pandemic shut-downs.

This group is also a collective formed by a diverse group of literature loving women. School based teachers, administrators, media specialists and librarians contributed to the efforts to bring the NCTE-established tradition of the African American Read In back to this community.

This group is finally a circle of people who are coming to this conversation as advocates for broader racial literacy within our community. One of many programs that are being developed to address equity in this community, the African American Read In hopes to become a standard for intergenerational, celebration of Black voice and authorship. Presenters will share insights from their own experiences about how to plan for similar programs, the current framework being used for racial literacy and justice curriculum development and their broader vision for sustainable, antiracist practices. Attention will be given to the special circumstances of 2020 that are guiding plans for 2021.   [/su_row]

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