Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul
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*Note: At the request of the presenter, this closing keynote was only available for limited viewing thru October 23, 2022.
Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul is the founder of Red Clay Educators. Her research and work stem from an unyielding commitment to anti-bias and antiracist pedagogy and practices. Sonja leads professional development with educators around the world spotlighting the relationship between teaching, literacy, and equity. She supports educators in developing the capacity and will to continually examine themselves and critically inquire into their own practices.
She is the host of The Black Creators Series and is the co-founder of the Institute for Racial Equity in Literacy. She was a twenty-year classroom middle school teacher, formerly the Director of Diversity and Equity at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University, and former Senior Advisor to the Heinemann Fellows.
Sonja has adapted the #1 New York Times Best Seller Stamped (For Kids), which has earned starred reviews by Kirkus and School Library Journal, and was selected as one of the best nonfiction/informational books of 2021 by Parents Magazine, School Library Journal, the New York Public Library, and the Chicago Public Library. Stamped (For Kids) was selected by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) as a 2022 Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People. She is the co-author of four books: Teaching Interpretation: Using Text-Based Evidence to Construct Meaning (2014), Flip Your Writing Workshop: A Blended Learning Approach (2016), Breathing New Life into Book Clubs: A Practical Guide for Teachers (2019) and Critical Literacy: Unlocking Contemporary Fiction (2020).
Sonja is a frequent keynote speaker and presenter at national and international conferences. You can find her at sonjacherrypaul.com and follow her on Twitter @SonjaCherryPaul.
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TheEdCollab Gathering is a free, no registration, streaming educator conference organized by The Educator Collaborative. Schedule, speakers, and content subject to change. Sessions are presented by guest educators and authors whose proposal titles and abstracts have been approved. Session content is presented and exclusively controlled by individual presenters. The Educator Collaborative is not responsible for session content. Sessions are streamed and archived on this website and on The Educator Collaborative’s YouTube page, which remain the only permissible sources for viewing Sessions. Beyond this, Sessions, in whole or in part, may not be rerecorded, remixed, reproduced, or disseminated in any other form without express written permission of both The Educator Collaborative and the respective presenter(s), any such reproduction or dissemination is unlawful and a violation of copyright.
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