Our apologizes to our edufriends, but this session has been cancelled.  Thank you for your understanding.  Please catch our other great workshops this session!

Rusul Alrubail

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☟⬇︎ Watch HERE ⬇︎☟


[su_row]Rusul Alrubail is an education writer, consultant, and blogger. She is is also the Chief Education Officer of The Writing Project, an essay writing app for students. Alrubail has taught English and literature courses to college and undergraduate students. Her writing with Edutopia, Education Week, PBSNewshour, EdWeek Teacher, Teaching Tolerance, Educational Leadership, Edsurge, and Medium has reached over hundreds of thousands of readers. Her work focuses on teacher professional development and training, pedagogical practices in and out of the classroom, english language learners, equity & social justice and media literacy as a means for professional development. Alrubail believes in the power of student voice and agency as one of the main elements that can shift education forward and empower others to create positive change in people’s lives.


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