Tracey T. Flores & Sandra Osorio

☟⬇︎ Watch Here on April 2nd ⬇︎☟

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Today’s Gathering has pre-recorded sessions (to allow greater flexibility for presenters and tech hosts during the pandemic).
This means:
  • Keep your eye on the time! You will see the session from the start, not live in progress… don’t miss the next one!
  • Tweet with #TheEdCollabGathering. Presenters looking forward to connecting!
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[su_row]Dr. Tracey T. Flores is a network member of The Educator CollaborativeRead her full bio here or request her for consulting or speaking engagement. [/su_row]

Dr. Tracey T. Flores is an expert in Family and Community Literacies and literacy instruction for multilingual students, in both K-8 school settings and community spaces. Currently, Tracey is an assistant professor of Language and Literacy at the University of Texas at Austin where she teaches Language Arts Methods and Community Literacies in the K-5 teacher education program. Her research focuses on Latina mothers’ and daughters’ language and literacy practices, the teaching of young writers in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms, and family and community literacies. Tracey is the founder of Somos Escritoras/We Are Writers, a creative space for Latina girls (grades 6-12) that invites them to share and perform stories from their lived experiences using art, theater and writing as a tool for self-reflection and self-expression. Follow her on Twitter @traceyhabla [/su_row] [su_row]Sandra L Osorio is an associate of The Educator Collaborative network. Sandra L Osorio is an associate professor in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University.  Previously, she was a Spanish bilingual teacher in early childhood classrooms (Preschool-2nd grade) for over 10 years.  She currently prepares preservice teachers in early childhood, bilingual education, and English as a second language. Her research interests include looking at the implementation of culturally sustaining pedagogies that put students’ dynamic community languages, valued practices and knowledge at the center of the curriculum and practices implemented in the classroom. She is currently the editor of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Language Arts Journal and one of the authors of the upcoming book, Book Talk: Growing Into Early Literacy Through Read-Aloud Conversations from Teachers College Press. Follow her on Twitter @Sosorio28 [/su_row]

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