Mark Overmeyer & Jim Ellis

☟⬇︎ Watch Here on April 10th ⬇︎☟

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Today’s Gathering has pre-recorded sessions (to allow greater flexibility for presenters and tech hosts during the pandemic).
This means:
  • Keep your eye on the time! You will see the session from the start, not live in progress… don’t miss the next one!
  • Tweet with #TheEdCollabGathering. Presenters looking forward to connecting!
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[su_row] Mark Overmeyer is a The Educator Collaborative network associate

Mark is a native Coloradoan, received his education at the University of Northern Colorado, Colorado College, and the University of Colorado at Denver. Mark worked for more than 20 years in Cherry Creek Schools near Denver, Colorado as a classroom teacher in grades 2-6, a special education and Title I teacher, and a literacy coordinator. He is the author of Stenhouse titles When Writing Workshop Isn’t Working, What Student Writing Teaches Us, and Let’s Talk. He currently consults in schools and districts across the US and internationally on a variety of topics, including reading and writing workshops and developing teacher leaders. Follow him on Twitter @MarkOvermeyer [/su_row] [su_row]Jim Ellis is a Mexican-American from Phoenix, AZ. He is a consultant and a middle school teacher in Vienna, Austria. With a particular focus in Design Thinking, designing educational experiences and designing structures for school improvement, Jim has visited schools and organizations in Asia, Europe, Africa and North America to help fantastic schools take the next step in their own development. Finding the most challenging problems and jumping in is how he continues to play a small role in helpIng to shape what’s next in great schools.  Find out more about his work on his blog  Follow him on Twitter @skhooldesig [/su_row]

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