Tom Marshall & Joshua Chuy
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[su_row]Tom Marshall is the Principal of Stony Lane Elementary School, leader of the New Jersey Literacy Leaders’ Network, and a former staff developer and national consultant for the Teachers College Reading & Writing Project. He runs a coaching course for over 60 literacy coaches in New Jersey, the New Jersey Literacy Leaders’ Network, which supports over 150 principals and other curricular leaders, and coordinates the Littogether Think Tank and Teacher Leader Project. He is the recipient of the CEL’s 2017 Innovative Leadership Award through NCTE and the author of Reclaiming the Principalship: Instructional Leadership Strategies to Engage Your Community and Focus on Learning. You can find him on Twitter @tomlittogether.
[su_row]Joshua Chuy is the newly-appointed principal of Joyce Kilmer School (grades 4 and 5) in Mahwah, NJ. Prior to this, Joshua has served as Assistant Principal at Rosa Parks Community School in Orange for three years. This is his 14th year in education, having served ten years teaching third, fourth, and fifth grade in language arts, math, science, and social studies. Joshua has attended countless professional developments regarding Balanced Literacy and ELA as a whole. He’s also fully trained in Blended Learning and has attended seminars all over the country.
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