Deirdre Spollen La-Raia & Katie McGrath

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[su_row]Dr. Deirdre Spollen La-Raia is currently a Principal at West Brook Middle School in Paramus and an Adjunct Professor at the College of Saint Elizabeth in Morristown. Deirdre began her career in NYC Public Schools as a teacher; Literacy Staff Developer; Assistant Principal and Supervisor of Special Education.  In New Jersey, she has served as a Literacy Supervisor and Elementary Principal. She has presented topics on literacy coaching, nonfiction reading, inclusion, and teacher evaluation at NCTE, IRA, NJSBA and NJASCD and was a part of the Professional Development Faculty at Kean University. Deirdre has written articles on teacher evaluation, PARCC assessment, and school culture for Think Teachers and NJASCD publications. The past two years have been instrumental in building Instructional Coaching at her school. You can connect with Deirdre on Twitter at @DslDspollen.  [/su_row]

[su_row]Katie McGrath is a middle school instructional coach in the Paramus Public Schools. Prior to coaching, she taught middle school language arts for 12 years. Katie has written literacy curriculum for the middle school, and coaches in classrooms regularly. She is a member of NCTE and the Lit Together Think Tank. She can be found on Twitter @MrsKTMcGrath.  [/su_row]

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