Closing Remarks: Christopher Lehman, Founding Director, The Educator Collaborative

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[su_row]Christopher Lehman is the Founding Director of The Educator Collaborative. His bio can be found here. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @iChrisLehman.

Tiffany Jewell (she/her/hers) is a Black biracial writer, antiracist educator and consultant, and mama. She spends her time baking bread and macarons, building LEGOS, watching British detective shows, and dreaming up how she can dismantle white supremacy. She is in her 15th year as a Montessori teacher and nearing two decades of work in schools with young folks, families, and educators. This Book Is Anti-Racist is her first book for children and young adults (and definitely not the last). Follow her on social media @tiffanymjewell. [/su_row] [su_row]

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